Multi-stage fracturing: 30 stages performed for the first time

In June 2016, Newteck Well Service LLC successfully implemented a project to conduct a 30-stage multi-stage hydraulic fracturing at Yuzhno- Priobskoye field of Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC.
The use of multistage fracturing not only significantly reduces the production cycle, but also allows to develop hard-to-recover reserves, increases the zone of formation treatment for the same well.
The Selected CTAF Technology to perform 30-stage hydraulic fracturing is a good alternative to drop-ball technology widely used in Russia. This technology allows involving new areas of hard-to-recover reserves into development that cannot be implemented with existing technologies. Its exclusivity is in speed, which significantly reduces the time between cycles.
The 30-stage hydraulic fracturing was carried out in a horizontal section of the well, record for the South Priobskoye field, with a length of 1.5 thousand meters with a total length of the well of more than 4.6 thousand meters. The work was performed on a well with a 178 mm column and 114 mm cemented liner. The wellhead was equipped with coiled tubing preventor. The sleeves are activated using shifting tool, if necessary, they can be closed with the same tool. This method allows you to activate a sleeve every 40 minutes, saving time and resources are enormous. The use of this technology removes technical restrictions on the number of processing stages. In addition to saving time for well development, Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC plans to get a serious economic effect.
Thanks to the coordinated work of engineering and production and technological services, using special auxiliary equipment and technology, using a non-standard approach, the company was able to minimize the time it takes to prepare for the frac stages. Newtech Well Service LLC set a record among the oilfield service companies of the Russian Federation not only in the total number of stages per well (historical maximum - 21 stages!), but also in the maximum number of fracs per day: 7 stages in 21 hours !!! To date, the average number of hydraulic fracturing (stages) in 24 hours has not exceeded 3-4.
Work on this well has become part of the Lean Manufacturing project launched at Gazpromneft Khantos LLC. The effectiveness of the technology and the implementation of a record number of hydraulic fracturing will become the basis for further optimization of the production of oil and gas companies.
After conducting an analysis of economic efficiency, they plan to “replicate” this multi-stage fracturing method in all subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom Neft