
Newteck Well Service was ranked first among Oil Field Contractors for safe operations

In the end of 2019, Newteck Well Service LLC was recognized as the best Contractor in the sphere of safe work at the fields of Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC.

On February 18th, 2020, the central office of one of the largest subsidiaries of Gazprom neft PJSC hosted a solemn award ceremony for contractors, where Dmitry Viktorovich Kardymon, General Director of Newteck Well Service LLC, was presented a commemorative award and expressed gratitude for the development of  safe operations culture , commitment to industrial safety when performing work at the fields of Gazpromneft-Khantos LLC, implementation of measures within proceeding on the “Safety basis” project, implementation of partnership in performing management over contracts and “Steps” strategy, a high level of training and ensuring application of practical skills in the field of safe work in 2019.

Achieving the highest environmental safety indicators is one of the main priorities of our Company, therefore, in carrying out our production activities, we strive to minimize the negative impact on the environment.
